The BRS MPs, Nama Nageswara Rao, Vaddiraju Ravichandra, and Bandi Parthasarathi Reddy, have responded to the comments made by suspended former MP Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy. They made it clear that nobody can stop the BRS from winning in the district. The three MPs attended the Athmeeya Sammelanam event in Sathupalli, led by MLA Sandra Venkata Veeraiah, district party president, and MLC Tata Madhusudhan. Speaking to a large crowd of party leaders and workers, the MPs criticized Srinivas Reddy’s comments against BRS and CM KCR. MP Vaddirajau questioned Srinivas Reddy’s right to comment on CM KCR and asked who he is to stop BRS leaders’ victory in the upcoming Assembly elections. He added that CM KCR is striving for the betterment of the people and will make a record of victory for the third time in the coming elections. He also ridiculed Srinivas Reddy’s comments, stating that he is troubling innocent leaders and has no party or agenda. BRS floor leader MP Nama Nageswara Rao also criticized Srinivas Reddy’s comments and praised the Telangana government for implementing many welfare programs. He confidently stated that the BRS would win all ten seats in the erstwhile Khammam district.
BRS MPs claim that their victory is inevitable and cannot be stopped
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