The Delhi Liquor Scam case has caused a lot of trouble in Telangana and the whole country. Recently, a businessman named Arun Pillai, who is not from Hyderabad, has become an approver in the case. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has issued notices to MLC Kavitha, a BRS leader, to speed up the investigation. They have asked her to attend a hearing on Friday regarding her involvement with businessman Arun Pillai in the Delhi liquor scam case. This information is also mentioned in the FIR copy. The ED has already investigated Kavita before, but now they want her to provide key evidence after Arun Pillai’s statement as an approver. Kavitha needs to respond to this notice.
BRS MLC Kavitha to Confront Enforcement Directorate Once More, Receives Notices in Delhi Liquor Scam Case
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