The Telangana Rythu Bandhu Samithi Chairman, Palla Rajeshwar Reddy, claimed that Prime Minister Narendra Modi lied during a public meeting in Mahabubnagar. He suggested that BJP leaders in the state should provide the Prime Minister with a proper script for the Nizamabad meeting. Reddy stated that the BRS can provide evidence of the PM’s lies, and criticized Modi for speaking like a street leader. Reddy also questioned the PM’s claim that there was no water in Telangana’s projects, pointing out that the state produced over one crore tonnes of food grains. He urged the BJP leaders to give the PM the correct script for the Nizamabad meeting.
Reddy further criticized the PM for his contradictory statements on farmer suicides in Telangana. He demanded that Modi tell the truth in tomorrow’s meeting. Reddy accused the BJP of being a party of businessmen, referring to them as the Business Janata Party. He highlighted the PM’s announcement of the Turmeric Board, which came nine years after the demand was made. Reddy claimed that the BRS genuinely cares about farmers, while the BJP only pretends to.
Reddy also expressed doubt in the promises made by the Congress party, stating that the Karnataka model was a failure and no one would believe their pledges. He confidently stated that the BRS is certain to come into power in Telangana. Reddy criticized TPCC Chief Revanth Reddy, calling him a joker and a broker who sells tickets for money. He reminded everyone of the allegations made against Revanth for demanding money.