Union Minister Kishan Reddy criticized the Telangana government for not helping farmers affected by untimely rains. He said that it’s not just the responsibility of the Center to buy grain from farmers, but also the state government’s. Kishan Reddy demanded that the crop insurance scheme be implemented in Telangana.
Kishan Reddy spoke to the media on Sunday and made several comments. He said that Kavitha’s arrest is not in their hands and that the CBI will arrest if there is evidence. He also mentioned that a BJP MLA involved in corruption in Karnataka was sent to jail and Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia was arrested because of evidence.
The union minister stated that the Karnataka elections will not affect Telangana and that the Congress has no future in Telangana. He believes that BJP is the only alternative to BRS. Kishan Reddy clarified that there is no truth to the news that Telangana BJP president is being changed and that it’s natural for state leaders to meet national leaders.