Hyderabad: The BRS legal cell has complained to the ECI about BJP MP Dharmapuri Arvind’s comments. They demanded action against him for saying that people can choose NOTA if they don’t like BJP, but he will still win the election.
The BRS leaders, led by Soma Bharat, met the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) and gave them a pen-drive with a video of Arvind making the statement. In the video, Arvind said, “Even if you vote for NOTA or for other parties, I will still win.”
The BRS leaders believe that this statement shows that Arvind is interfering with voters’ freedom to choose and violating their rights. They also accused the BJP of being undemocratic and using social media trolls to attack those who support democracy and criticize the party.
They also pointed out that Arvind has a history of using inflammatory language and threatening the police. They believe that action needs to be taken against him for his verbal violence. This kind of undemocratic behavior should not be tolerated during elections.
The leaders emphasized the importance of the ECI taking action to maintain the confidence of voters in the electoral process. They warned that failure to take action would give the impression that the BJP is willing to engage in illegal activities during the election process.