The Chairman of TSMSIDC in Hyderabad, Erolla Srinivas, spoke out on Sunday about the new Parliament building. He said that even though many people across India requested that it be named after Dr. BR Ambedkar, the government did not consider the idea because he was a Dalit. Srinivas also mentioned that the President of India was not invited to the inauguration because she is from a tribal family. This shows that the ruling BJP party in India is against Dalits, tribals, and backward communities. Srinivas thinks that BJP leaders who claim to support Dalit Bahujans should be ashamed.
Srinivas also criticized Telangana BJP president Bandi Sanjay for talking about Dalits. He believes that BJP leaders do not like the Constitution written by Ambedkar, so they continuously insult Dalits and other weaker sections of society.