The ruling BRS party in Hyderabad has questioned Telangana PCC chief A Revanth Reddy’s silence on the Centre’s decision to allocate Bailadila mine to the Adani Group. During a press conference in Hyderabad, Minister Puvvada Ajay Kumar, along with MPs Maloth Kavitha and V Ravichandra, criticised Congress leaders for failing to respond to issues concerning the State. Industries Minister KT Rama Rao had previously revealed that the Centre had denied the Bailadila mine to the State, citing substandard ore, before allocating it to an Adani company. Kumar asked why foreign companies were being given permission to take up mining in the region.
Kumar reiterated that the government was committed to bringing a Bayyaram steel factory to the State. However, he noted that it was up to the Centre to provide captive mines to the factory. When asked about suspended party leader P Srinivas Reddy’s comments that he would ensure no BRS leader wins from Khammam, Kumar stated that ultimately, it is the people who would decide the fate of a candidate and not individuals.
Kavitha criticised Congress leaders for not speaking out about Bayyaram and accused BJP leaders of politicising every issue related to the government. She demanded that the Centre cancel its agreement with the Adani Group and allocate the mine to Singareni. Kavitha also suggested that Congress leaders were working on directions from BJP leaders.
In conclusion, the BRS party has called for greater transparency from Congress leaders regarding issues affecting Telangana. They have also urged the Centre to reconsider its decision to allocate Bailadila mine to the Adani Group and instead allocate it to Singareni.