Gunmen shot and killed two women in RK Puram, Delhi early Sunday morning. The police arrested three suspects over the shooting in Ambedkar Basti. There is reportedly a financial dispute between the gunmen and the victims’ brother, Lalit. Lal, another brother of the victims, said that Lalit had lent money to someone who had not returned it. When Lalit asked for the money back, a heated argument occurred with the accused and others. Later that night, some people allegedly started shouting and knocking on their door. Lal called his sisters who lived in the same lane. When they arrived, the gunmen shot them instead of Lalit. Pinky (30) and Jyoti (29) were taken to Safdarjung Hospital but died from their injuries. The police have arrested Arun, Michael, and Dev in connection with the incident.
Kejriwal criticised Lt Governor VK Saxena over the crime, saying that Delhi’s residents are beginning to feel insecure. He believes that those responsible for handling the law-and-order situation in Delhi are plotting to take control of the government instead of fixing the situation. Other AAP leaders have echoed Kejriwal’s sentiment.