Bansuri Swaraj, a leader of the BJP party and daughter of the late foreign minister Sushma Swaraj, spoke at a press conference on Friday. She addressed allegations that the party was following a “double standard” in the case of Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, who was accused of sexual harassment by some wrestlers. Swaraj stated that FIRs have been registered against Singh and that the judicial process will take its natural course after investigation. Swaraj also criticized the Arvind Kejriwal government for delaying the appointment of public prosecutors for cases under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act.
Swaraj, who is a Supreme Court lawyer, denied that her party was following a double standard as Singh had not yet been arrested by the Delhi Police. She said that the FIR had been registered and it was now under the jurisdiction of the police. Swaraj expressed her faith in the judiciary and its ability to follow due process.
Two FIRs have been registered against Singh by the Delhi Police on complaints by some women wrestlers. Singh has denied the charges. Swaraj was appointed as co-convener of the Delhi BJP’s legal cell in March of this year.