Education Minister Botcha Satyanarayana has announced the release of the mega DSC notification in Andhra Pradesh. The notification includes the filling of 6,100 teacher posts, with the application process beginning on February 12 and the results being announced on April 7.
The mega DSC has a total of 6,100 posts under seven categories, including School Assistant, SGT, TGT, and PGT posts. The government has invested Rs. 73,000 crores in education over the past five years.
The DSC process will start with the submission of applications from February 12 to 22 on the official website. Candidates can take an online mock test on February 24 and download hall tickets from March 5. The examination will take place from March 15 to 30. The preliminary key will be released on March 32, and objections can be submitted until April 1. The final key will be released on April 2, and the DSC results will be announced on April 7.
Alongside the DSC process, the TET process will also be conducted. The TET notification will start from February 8, and applications can be submitted online from that date. Candidates are advised to take an online mock test on February 19 and download hall tickets from February 23. The AP TET exams will be conducted from February to March 9, and the preliminary key will be released on March 10. Objections can be submitted until March 11. The final key will be released on March 13, and the TRT final results will be declared on March 14.
Examination centers have been set up in other states for students residing there.