In Hyderabad, the SOT Rajendranagar team and RC Puram Police worked together to catch an online cricket betting bookie and punters at Beeramguda Kaman R C Puram. They seized property worth Rs 37,84,918.
Rama Krishna Goud and Upender Goud, who are brothers, were found organizing online cricket betting on the website nice7777.Pro during ongoing IPL 2024 matches. They approached known punters to place bets and collected money through UPI/Cash for each match.
The betting activities took place during T20 IPL 2024 matches on April 7, including one between MI and DC at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai, and another between LSG and GT at Bharat Ratna Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee Ekana Cricket Stadium in Lucknow.
Following a tip-off, M. Ramakrishna Goud was apprehended at Beeramguda Kaman R C Puram. He confessed to his involvement, leading to the arrest of Upender Goud and the seizure of Rs 18,50,000 in cash.