A Hanuman temple in Masaipet village, located in Kadem mandal, was officially inaugurated on Monday. The temple was rebuilt with a contribution of Rs 20 lakh from the Constituency Growth Fund (CGF) and an additional Rs 5 lakh from the villagers. Special prayers were performed during the opening ceremony.
Speaking at the event, MLA Vedma Bojju Patel expressed his commitment to developing all villages in his constituency. He stated that this effort is his way of repaying the trust and support of the people who elected him to the Legislative Assembly.
Endowment Minister Konda Surekha, who was also present, highlighted the government’s efforts to improve temples in the region. She shared that funds have been allocated for the development of temples in Lingapur, Devunigudem, and Dasturabad villages in Kadem mandal.
The minister further announced that Rs 7 lakh has been sanctioned for constructing a boundary wall around the Masaipet Hanuman temple. She assured the gathering that work on the project would begin soon.