Hyderabad: A tragic fire accident occurred at a furniture manufacturing unit in Jiyaguda on Tuesday night. A 10-year-old girl named Shiv Priya lost her life, and several others were injured. Local residents and officials managed to rescue 25 people who were living in the apartment.
Kulsumpura police and firefighters quickly responded to the emergency. They arrived with four fire extinguishers and used ladders to evacuate seven families from the upper floors. Five individuals were severely injured, and 25 were rescued. The fire started at around 1 am in a four-story building, trapping seven families inside.
Five members of one family were critically injured and taken to Osmania General Hospital. Sadly, Shiv Priya died from her injuries during treatment. Four others, including Lakshmi Bai (70), Srinivas (37), Madhavi (24), and Meghana (18), are still receiving treatment, with three in critical condition.
The fire began on the ground floor and quickly spread to the first and second floors. Firefighters managed to extinguish the flames by 3 am.
A senior fire department officer noted that they received a call at 1:22 am and promptly arrived at the scene. They suspect that a short circuit may have caused the fire. A case has been registered, and an investigation is ongoing.
The owner of the furniture factory, who lives in Nampally, was not present at the scene due to a family emergency. The exact cause of the fire is still being investigated by the Kulsumpura police.