Gudur Narayana Reddy, a senior leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party, has called on the State government to stop misleading the public about Central aid for Telangana’s railway projects. Reddy accused the TS government of lying about the assistance it had received for various projects, particularly railway schemes. He claimed that the state government had failed to release matching grants for railway projects, despite blaming the Centre for delays. Reddy highlighted that the state government was meant to provide Rs 544 crores for Phase-II of MMTS, but had only released Rs 279 crores so far. He also accused the government of failing to deposit Rs 986 crores for railway projects. Reddy questioned how the state could afford to pay for a new Metro Rail scheme when it could not fulfil its existing obligations.
BJP’s Gudur Narayana Reddy urges an end to deceptive practices
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