BJP leaders met with former BRS Khammam MP Ponguleti Srinivasa Reddy and former minister Jupally Krishna Rao at Ponguleti’s house in Khammam on Thursday. BJP MLA Eatala Rajender said that both leaders gave a positive response, but they still need to discuss with their supporters and people before making a decision. Rajender claimed that the BJP is coming to power in the State and that they held discussions with Ponguleti Srinivasa Reddy and Jupalli Krishna Rao on the directions of Union Home Minister Amith Shah and party national president Nadda. Rajender hopes that both leaders will take a positive decision after discussing with followers and leaders.
Earlier in the day, Eatela Rajender, MLA Raghunandan Rao, former Chevella MP Konda Visveswara Reddy, and former MLA Enugu Ravinder Reddy reached Ponguleti Srinivasa Reddy’s house in Khammam. Former minister Jupally Krishna Rao also joined the discussions, which were held for five hours at the Ponguleti house. Meanwhile, State BJP president Bandi Sanjay Kumar said he was welcoming Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy into his party and called upon all those who are opposing Chief Minister KCR to join the BJP.
Later, Ponguleti Srinivasa Reddy and Jupalli Krishna Rao clarified that no decision was taken about joining any party. They said BJP leaders met them and invited them to join the BJP but they have not given any assurance so far. They stated that they are finding all ways to free the people from the clutches of Kalvakuntla family and that they would meet all leaders and people, including movement fighter’s families, in this regard and prepare an action plan. They said that they ensure anti-government vote should not be separated.