The BJP Legislative Party leader, Aleti Maheshwar Reddy, called on Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy to send ministers to Palle Bata to see the financial troubles faced by village panchayats. He stated that the lack of funds and unpaid salaries for workers has made village panchayats non-functional. If the state government doesn’t address these issues, he threatened to protest. Reddy criticized the government for giving money to big contractors instead of paying the villages what they are owed.
Reddy demanded that the state government pay the overdue salaries of workers and outsourcing employees, as well as clear unpaid honorariums for sarpanches, MPTCs, and ZPTCs. He also called for settling bills left unpaid by former village leaders for completed work. Reddy highlighted the financial strain on village development and urged immediate release of Finance Commission funds and timely allocation of money for villages in the current fiscal year. If demands are not met within a week, he warned of direct protests from his party.
The situation in village development is dire, with villages struggling to cover basic expenses. Reddy stressed the urgency of releasing funds to support village operations. The BJPLP Leader emphasized the importance of resolving these issues promptly to avoid further deterioration in village infrastructure.