The BJP party in Hyderabad is using the state government’s welfare schemes, known as “Bandhu” schemes, to gain support for the upcoming elections. The party’s OBC wing is targeting the BRS for its failure to implement BC Bandhu and is reaching out to community organizations and leaders to explain how more than 50% of the BC population has been disadvantaged in education, jobs, political appointments, and welfare schemes for the past 9 years. The OBC wing is also highlighting how only a fraction of the budget allocated to BC welfare and development has been spent.
The minority morcha of the BJP party has successfully conducted interactions with Christian community leaders and is now planning a “Mahila Samvad” in AIMIM’s bastion in the old city. The minority morcha is demanding Bandhu schemes for every minority community, including Muslim Bandhu and Christian Bandhu. It is pitching on how women from poor and backward social strata are compromised under the watch of the Majlis in the Old City.