The BJP in Telangana is focusing on caste politics in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections to counter the Congress. They are highlighting alleged injustices done to the Madiga community in ticket distribution by the Congress.
Manda Krishna Madiga, a strong BJP supporter, is leading this campaign. He has demanded proportional representation for Madigas in SC reserved seats, accusing the Congress of favoring the Mala community instead. The BJP has given three SC reserved seats to Madigas, hoping to gain their support.
Manda Krishna is actively working to unite Madiga communities against the Congress, traditionally seen as a strong supporter of Dalits in Telangana. He plans to expose the Congress’s alleged bias in ticket distribution through a yatra.
According to Manda Krishna, Madigas are being overlooked in political opportunities due to the dominance of the Mala community. Key positions at the national and state level are held by members of the Mala community, leading to a lack of proper representation for Madigas.