A press conference took place at the BJP state office in Nampally, Hyderabad. Several important leaders from the party, including Legislative Party Leader Aleti Maheshwar Reddy, MP Eatala Rajender, and Sirpur MLA Dr. Palvai Harish Babu, spoke at the event.
During the conference, MLA Dr. Palvai Harish Babu announced that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) would hold a 24-hour protest. The protest is scheduled to start at 11:00 AM on Monday, September 30, and will continue until 11:00 AM the next day.
The purpose of the protest is to raise awareness about the issues facing farmers and to push the government to fulfill promises made to them. Dr. Harish Babu urged farmers to join the protest to draw attention to several key issues. These include the non-implementation of loan waivers, the rising number of farmer suicides, incomplete execution of the Rythu Bharosa scheme, and the lack of compensation for crop losses.
He emphasized the need for urgent government action on these problems and called upon BJP leaders, party workers, and farmers to participate in large numbers to make the protest a success.
The BJP leaders also made it clear that the party stands firmly with farmers and will continue to fight for their rights.