The State BJP has asked Governor CP Radhakrishnan to intervene and request a CBI investigation into the telephone tapping scandal in the state. A team of 9 BJP leaders, including Dr K Laxman, AVN Reddy, and N Ramachandra Rao, met with the Governor at Raj Bhavan to submit a memorandum about the issue.
Dr Laxman stated that police officials were being arrested in connection to the scandal, but BRS leaders and a former Chief Minister were believed to be behind the conspiracy. The tapping of phones belonging to opposition leaders, businessmen, and even some film personalities has shocked the nation.
The BJP leaders highlighted the alleged use of police for distributing money during elections and tapping phones of opposition parties, which falls under the jurisdiction of the Election Commission of India. They requested the Governor to seek a report from the State to inform the Union Home Ministry about the issue.
Dr Laxman emphasized the need for a thorough CBI probe due to the serious nature of the allegations and reports in the public domain. The scandal threatens the safety of the nation and the privacy of its citizens, as it involves brazen extortion facilitated by the state.