Telangana Chief Minister KCR has been asked by BJP chief spokesperson K Krishan Sagar Rao to explain his decision to oppose the Uniform Civil Code in parliament. The spokesperson questioned whether KCR believes that having a common law for everyone is bad for the country and what logic he has for opposing it. The BJP believes that KCR’s decision is purely for political reasons and to appease certain voters.
The BJP emphasizes that leadership is about bringing positive change and if KCR cannot make decisions to do so, he cannot consider himself a true leader. The party also believes that KCR’s aspirations of becoming a national leader will be meaningless if he only gives empty speeches without taking action.
The BJP sees the Uniform Civil Code as an important reform that will have a positive impact on social transformation, women empowerment, and the nation’s development as a mature democracy with equitable justice. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is determined to ensure that this historic reform benefits the poor, oppressed, women, families, and promotes social empowerment and religious harmony.