Leaders of Telangana BJP were placed under house arrest to stop them from visiting Bata Singaram village near Hyderabad. They wanted to inspect the construction of double bedroom houses for the poor under a government scheme. The BJP has been criticizing the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) government for the delay in building these houses. They planned a visit with 60 leaders, including Union minister and state BJP president G. Kishan Reddy. However, the police prevented them from leaving for the village. Other BJP leaders were also detained when they tried to go to Bata Singaram from different places. Those under house arrest include BJP national vice-president D.K. Aruna, MLA Eatala Rajender, and former MLC Ramachandra Rao. Kishan Reddy expressed his disapproval on Twitter, saying that it shows the tyrannical rule under the BRS government and their suppression of opposition voices.
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