BJP MLA Etala Rajender accused some police officials of serving the ruling party leaders and making police stations into places to harass opposition leaders and people. Rajender spoke to the media after meeting with Chelpur Village Sapranch, Mahender Goud, in Huzurabad sub-jail. He claimed that Chief Minister K Chandrasekhara Rao was harassing the people of the constituency because they had defeated him. Rajender also alleged that the Maneru River was being exploited for sand to take revenge on farmers, and the roads were destroyed to allow 50-tonne capacity sand tippers. He said that some police officials were acting as servants to the ruling party leaders, violating their duties to protect laws and people. They had turned police stations into hubs for harassment, he added.
Rajender said that the BRS chief was acting with political vendettas against local bodies’ representatives with the help of some police officials. The police worked for the ruling party leaders to slap false cases on opposition party leaders and workers, he alleged. However, Rajender believed that people in Huzurabad are aware of the high-handedness of the BRS government and officials who would teach them a lesson. He claimed that the days of the BRS were numbered.
Rajender highlighted a case where a false charge was laid against the Chelpur Village Sarpanch for removing a roadside shop as per the village panchayat’s resolution. He accused the local Circle Inspector of asking the Sarpanch to go to whomever he wanted to complain and even beating him in the police station. Rajender warned that police officials who resort to such high-handedness would face punishment as per the law. Complaints would also be lodged with the human rights commission and courts, he added.
Rajender expressed that he did not know about any new party starting in the state. He said that former MP Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy and former minister Jupalli Krishna Rao were his good friends, and he had good relations with leaders from all parties. He claimed that it was only after CM KCR came to power that human relations were disrupted, and one leader was unable to talk to another party leader. No one with CM KCR at present is happy, and everyone wants his defeat in the next elections, he concluded.