Former corporator GK Sridevi, along with BJP leaders GK Hanumantha Rao and Madhusudan Reddy, joined the BRS party in Malkajigiri. This event was hosted by Malkajigiri BJP candidate Marri Rajasekhar Reddy, with State IT Minister KTR in attendance.
During the event, Rajasekhara Reddy mentioned that several BRS party leaders have switched to other parties due to the current MLA’s behavior. He highlighted the growing number of people joining the BRS party, as they witness the party’s development of public welfare schemes and KCR’s vision for providing welfare to the people.
Rajasekhara Reddy expressed confidence that BRS will emerge victorious in the upcoming elections in Malkajigiri, and he believes that KCR will be re-elected as Chief Minister. The program was also attended by Corporation Chairman Nandikanti Sridhar, Malkajigiri Party Circle Vice President Upender Reddy, and others.
BJP leaders from Neredmet division join BRS in the presence of KTR
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