The Telangana State BJP is using the Lok Sabha manifesto released by Congress MP Rahul Gandhi as a rallying point for their election campaign. After Union Minister and Telangana State BJP chief G Kishan Reddy criticized the Congress party for false promises, BJP MP Dr Laxman also condemned the party on Sunday.
Kishan Reddy called out the Congress for failing to deliver on their promise of Rs 2,500 financial assistance to women in Telangana. He mocked their new promises in the manifesto, saying they would need to have currency printing machines in the homes of Congress MPs Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi, as well as State Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy. He also accused Rahul Gandhi of praising China and making empty guarantees and assurances due to electoral uncertainties.
Dr K Laxman also criticized the Congress-led state government for not implementing their promise of Rs 2,500 for women in Telangana. He dismissed their new promise of Rs 1 lakh for women across the country as misleading. Laxman questioned the Congress party’s credibility, citing past instances of disrespect towards leaders like Dr BR Ambedkar and former Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao.
BJP spokesperson Rani Rudrama labeled the Congress manifesto released in Tukkuguda as meaningless. She accused the party of making empty promises and setting unrealistic conditions for implementation. Rudrama challenged CM Revanth Reddy to a public debate on employment opportunities created by the Centre and questioned the Congress government’s track record on fulfilling electoral promises in Telangana, such as farm loan waivers and unemployment allowances.