Former MLA and BJP leader Revuri Prakash Reddy inspected the construction of a 250-bed hospital building in Narsampet, Warangal district. He found engineering flaws in the construction, particularly in the pillars and beams. Revuri brought this issue to the attention of Union Tourism Minister and BJP State President G Kishan Reddy. He submitted evidence of the substandard construction and requested an inquiry by the Central Vigilance Committee. Kishan Reddy wrote a letter to the Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare, urging him to take appropriate action against the State. The construction of the hospital began on March 5, 2022, and is still ongoing. Revuri expressed his concern about the misuse of taxpayers’ money.
BJP leader Revuri Prakash Reddy accuses misappropriation of funds in hospital construction in Warangal.
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