Bharatiya Janata Party leader Anugula Rakesh Reddy from Warangal district, along with station Ghanpur leader Madasu Venkatesh, joined the BRS party. They made this decision in the presence of Telangana Municipal Administration and Urban Development Minister K Taraka Ramarao, former deputy chief minister Kadiyam Srihari, and other MLAs at Telangana Bhavan.
Anugula Rakesh Reddy explained that he joined the BRS party because he was impressed by the welfare schemes and development initiatives being carried out in the state under the leadership of Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao and Minister KTR. He expressed disappointment that he was not given a ticket for the Warangal West constituency by the BJP leadership. He thanked KTR for supporting him during this difficult time and also expressed gratitude to Kadiyam Srihari for visiting his house.
Anugula Rakesh Reddy mentioned that he recently met with KTR and was impressed by his simplicity and frankness. He appreciated KTR for speaking to him for forty minutes and stated that no BJP leader had spoken to him in such a generous manner. He believes that Telangana will prosper under the leadership of KCR and KTR. He assured that he will do his best to ensure the victory of BRS in his capacity and thanked his followers and leaders for their support during tough times.
BJP Leader Anugula Rakesh Reddy Joins BRS with KTR in Attendance
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