Today, the BJP’s town executive committee held a meeting at DK Bungalow in Gadwal town. The meeting was led by town president Bandala Venkata Ramulu. District president Ramachandra Reddy was the chief guest at the event.
Ramachandra Reddy encouraged party workers to work hard for BJP’s victory in the upcoming local body elections. He talked about the development in villages under Prime Minister Narendra Modi. This includes improvements like CC roads, drainage systems, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana houses, and the employment guarantee scheme.
Reddy mentioned that funds for housing and the employment guarantee scheme have been increased. He also noted that municipalities have received significant funding.
He stated that the central government has allocated 10 lakh crores for Telangana’s development over the past decade. Reddy criticized the Congress party for not fulfilling its promises, such as cash guarantees, pensions, unemployment benefits, and the Kalyana Lakshmi Tulam Bangaru schemes. He accused the Congress government of misleading farmers with partial loan waivers instead of full assistance.
Reddy emphasized that the BJP will continue to fight for farmers until the Congress government implements a full loan waiver without conditions.
Assembly Convener Ramanjaneyulu, Councilors Gurram Narasimha and Rajaka Jayashree, and District OBC Morcha President Rajaka Jayashree also attended the program.