The BJP central party is getting ready to choose candidates for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in Telangana. Discussions with State party leaders have been completed, with chief G Kishan Reddy, Dr K Laxman, Bandi Sanjay Kumar, and D K Aruna participating. A tentative list of candidates for each seat has been decided from a three-member list provided by the State unit.
According to party sources, some of the names include Dr Bhagawant Rao for Hyderabad, G Kishan Reddy for Secunderabad, M Raghunandan Rao for Medak, Konda Visweshwar Reddy for Chevella, Aruna for Mahbubnagar, Bandi Sanjay for Karimnagar, and Dharmapuri Arvind for Nizamabad. However, there is competition between senior leaders Eatala Rajender and P Muralidhar Rao for the Malkajgiri seat.
The party has also decided on Soyam Bapu Rao as the candidate for Adilabad but is considering another name. Similar decisions are being made for other seats like Nagarkurnool and Khammam. The final list of candidates is expected to be announced in the first week of March after a survey on potential candidates.
Overall, the BJP is finalizing its list of candidates for various Lok Sabha seats in Telangana, with discussions and considerations ongoing.