Kishan Reddy, the Union Minister and State BJP chief in Telangana, announced that the BJP will not form an alliance with the ruling pink party for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. The BJP plans to contest all 17 parliament seats on its own.
The Telangana BJP leaders believe that the party can increase its vote share and grow without forming any alliances. They feel that joining forces with the pink party would be a political liability. There have been no discussions between the two parties regarding a potential alliance.
The BJP is focusing on expanding its presence in South India, including states like Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Puducherry, and Telangana. The party sees both Congress and the pink party as equal opponents. The rhetoric from the pink party’s leaders towards top BJP leaders has not been well-received by the state party leadership and cadre.
Despite efforts to maintain cordial relations with the ruling party in Telangana, the BJP has faced criticism and insults from pink party leaders. The decision to not form an alliance with the pink party was made to avoid demoralizing the party cadre ahead of the important Parliament elections.