In the Assembly election results announced on Sunday, the BJP candidates had some surprising losses. Big names like Soyam Bapu Rao, Dharmapuri Arvind, and Bandi Sanjay Kumar were defeated. Among the three MLAs, Eatala Rajender lost in Huzurabad and Gajwel, while Raghunandan Rao lost in Dubbaka. The only sitting legislator, Raja Singh, managed to retain Goshamahal with a small majority. He is the only familiar face among the eight new winners in the elections.
The winners from the BJP are: Katipally Venkat Ramana Reddy (Kamareddy), Ramrao Pawar (Madhol), Payal Sankar (Adilabad), Pydi Rakesh Reddy (Armur), Dhanpal Suryanarayana (Nizambad Urban), Yeleti Maheshwar Reddy (Nirmal), and Palvai Harish Rao (Sirpur).
The BJP’s winning candidates defeated strong opponents from the ruling BRS and Congress parties, and also put up a tough fight against AIMIM in Bahadurpura, Charminar, Karwan, Yakutpura, Maheshwaram, Gajwel, and Karimnagar. However, the party had a disappointing performance in Musheerabad, Amberpet, and Khairatabad, although their vote share did improve.
In 2018, the BJP contested 118 seats but only won one seat in Goshamahal, with a vote share of seven percent. This time, the party contested 111 seats and allocated eight seats to its alliance partner Jana Sena Party. While JSP candidates did not make a significant impact, the BJP managed to increase its vote share to 13 percent and win eight seats this time.