There are rumors circulating about a potential change in leadership within the BJP in Telangana. Despite denials, political circles continue to speculate that Union Minister G Kishan Reddy may replace current state president Bandi Sanjay. It is believed that the BJP national leadership is considering appointing a new chief for the Telangana unit in the near future. This speculation gained momentum when Eatala Rajender, who claimed to be facing threats to his life, was granted ‘Y’ category security by the Union Home Ministry. Rajender has been absent from BJP activities but has been engaging in discussions with the party high command, leading to further speculation of potential political developments.
Adding to the speculation, there are talks of a possible reshuffle in the Union Cabinet by Prime Minister Modi, with Bandi Sanjay being considered for a position. It is said that Kishan Reddy and party organisational general secretary Sunil Bansal have proposed this idea. However, Kishan Reddy dismissed these claims as a mind game played by BJP detractors and stated that there is no such proposal under consideration. He deemed any change at this time as “ridiculous.” Bandi Sanjay also denied these speculations.