A special gathering of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders took place near the Elikatta Bhawani Mata Temple in Farooqnagar mandal, Shadnagar constituency. The event, called the tiffin box gathering, was organized by the party and brought together top leaders under the chairmanship of BJP Assembly Convener, Dr. Tanguturi Vijay Kumar.
The unique aspect of this gathering was that all the leaders brought tiffin boxes filled with homemade delicacies from their respective homes. This event provided an opportunity for the leaders to strengthen personal connections, exchange greetings, and discuss the challenges they faced in their personal lives.
Prominent BJP members, including Srivardhan Reddy and Ande Babaiah, who are BJP state executive members, participated in the gathering. District officials such as Depalle Ashok Goud, Kammari Bhupala Chari, and Kakkunuru Venkatesh Gupta, as well as senior leaders like Palamuru Vishnuvardhan Reddy and youth leader AP Mithun Reddy, were also present.
The atmosphere of the event was warm and friendly as leaders shared stories, personal experiences, and fostered unity and solidarity. This gathering showcased the strong bond and camaraderie among BJP leaders, going beyond their political roles.