Telangana BJP spokesperson, K Krishna Sagar Rao, accused the Congress party of betraying and breaking promises made to farmers shortly after coming to power. He criticized Chief Minister Revanth Reddy for deviating from the campaign promise of providing Rs 15,000 per acre to farmers as investment support, instead of the previous government’s Rs 10,000. Reddy’s decision to pay Rythu Bharosa in installments, starting with Rs 5,000, was not part of the original promise. Rao also mentioned that the BJP had warned voters about the Congress party’s unrealistic election promises. He criticized the Congress party for using unrealistic and unbudgeted monetary incentives to attract votes. Rao strongly condemned this unethical politics and believed that once voters realized the true nature of the Congress party, they would reject it.
BJP claims that dividing the payment of Rythu Bharosa into instalments is diverting people’s attention from Congress’ failure
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