Quthubullapur BJP candidate, Kuna Srisailam Goud, recently met with Nandagiri Satish, the Janasena Party leader of the Quthubullapur constituency, at Satish’s residence in Jagadgirigutta. This meeting was a part of the BJP-Janasena alliance, and Goud requested the Janasena party leaders and workers to join forces and work together for BJP’s victory in Quthubullapur. Representatives from both BJP and Janasena parties attended the meeting.
Following the meeting, BJP members conducted a door-to-door campaign on behalf of Kuna Srisailam Goud, the BJP candidate for Quthbullapur. The BJP leaders went from house to house, urging residents to vote for the BJP.
In addition to the meeting and campaign efforts, there were also two images included in the article. However, no further information or captions were provided for these images.