Telangana BJP spokesperson Rani Rudrama believes that the State needs a full-time education minister to address the issues emerging at the start of the academic year. She emphasized this during a media conference, highlighting the lack of a dedicated education minister in the State.
Rudrama mentioned that having a full-time minister for excise and prohibition but not for education has left the education department without clear direction. She cited an incident where books intended for distribution had the names of the former chief minister and education minister printed on them, which went unnoticed until students pointed it out. According to her, having a regular education minister could have prevented such mistakes.
In terms of administration within the education department, Rudrama pointed out several shortcomings. She noted the absence of District Education Officers (DEOs) in 26 districts, along with a lack of personnel in deputy Education Officer (EO) positions and Mandal Education Officer (MEO) roles. This lack of staffing is leading to challenges for students in schools, including issues with sanitation facilities.
Rudrama also criticized the state government for only notifying the filling of 11,000 teacher positions out of 22,000 vacancies. She questioned why the Chief Minister has not appointed a competent individual from the Congress party as the education minister and called for the appointment of a regular education minister to address these issues effectively.