The BJP in Hyderabad is demanding the government to extend the tenure of sarpanches instead of bringing them under the rule of special officers. The State BJP chief and Union Minister G Kishan Reddy criticized the BRS government for harming the Panchayat Raj system by diverting central funds meant for the panchayats. He stated that the government should support the panchayats instead of crippling them. Reddy also mentioned that bringing sarpanches under special officer regime would be an insult to the 73rd constitutional amendment. He urged for the extension of sarpanches’ tenure until elections can be held.
Reddy questioned how Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy’s promise of selecting beneficiaries through gram sabhas can be fulfilled without sarpanches who are responsible for the selection. He emphasized that the special officer regime will weaken PR Institutions and hinder development programs until panchayat elections are conducted. Reddy expressed concern that the government may be purposely delaying the elections to postpone implementing its promises.
The minister highlighted that if panchayat polls are delayed by a month, the general election poll code will come into effect, potentially causing further delays in implementing schemes. He mentioned that a State-level party meeting will be held on February 2 to plan for the launch of the LS election campaign. Reddy expressed confidence in achieving good results, as many intellectuals, social reformers, industrialists, and ex-servicemen are joining the party due to PM Narendra Modi’s governance.
Additionally, Reddy welcomed Global Trust Bank MD Sudhakar, businessman Vinod Rao, and scientist Ella Reddy into the party.