In Hyderabad/Adilabad, Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy showed political maturity and prioritized Telangana’s interests during a meeting where Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated various projects and laid foundations for others virtually. There was a friendly atmosphere between the PM and CM as they interacted. Unlike previous governments, Revanth welcomed the Prime Minister at the airport and took part in the official event.
During his speech, Revanth thanked the Prime Minister for dedicating projects and laying foundations for developments like national highways, railways, and the power sector that would benefit Telangana. He referred to the NTPC 4000 MW power project promised in the 2014 A P State Reorganisation Act. Due to past government policies, only a 1,600-megawatt plant was established by NTPC even though 85% of the power generated would be used in Telangana. Revanth assured that the State government would provide all necessary permissions for the remaining 2,400-megawatt projects.
Revanth emphasized that he does not want conflicts with the Centre, believing that political differences should be limited to elections. He stressed the importance of all elected representatives working together for the state’s development in coordination with the Centre. He expressed his government’s willingness to collaborate with constitutionally established institutions like the Governor and Judiciary. Revanth urged the PM to support the state’s development to contribute towards achieving a 5-trillion economy.
He expressed his desire for Telangana’s growth similar to Gujarat, aiming to have Hyderabad contribute to the 5-trillion economy alongside cities like Delhi, Mumbai, and Bengaluru.