A builder from Hyderabad, Kuppala Madhu (48), was brutally murdered by unknown persons in Karnataka. Madhu often traveled to Bidar for business with three others from Chintal. On the day he left for Bidar, his wife tried calling him but his phone was switched off. The next day, a dead body was found near a car in Bidar, and it was identified as Madhu based on the car’s number.
The police discovered that Madhu had been stabbed with knives and hit on the head with a stone. His family members reported missing gold jewelry worth Rs 6 lakhs and a large sum of money. The police suspect that the three individuals who accompanied Madhu to Bidar may be involved in his murder. An investigation is ongoing.
It is believed that the assailants killed Madhu for his valuables. The police are working to uncover the truth behind this tragic incident.