CLP leader Bhatti Vikramarka spoke in Parigi during his Padyatra on Monday. He said that only Congress can save the state from autocratic rule. He was at a corner meeting in Thondapalli and Chityala villages. He talked about examining the Palamuru Rangareddy reservoir and criticized KCR for failing the Chevella project. He also accused KCR of misleading people with the Palamuru Rangareddy project.
Vikramarka claimed that Krishna River water could not reach the area due to KCR’s rule. He suggested that to fulfill the aspirations of Telangana people, the BRS government should be removed. He accused KCR of creating confusion over river water for political gain. He compared KCR’s actions to BJP’s communal politics.
Vikramarka criticized Dharani for taking away land from the poor. He said that Congress will work hard to fulfill Telangana people’s aspirations with the slogan ‘Our Land and Our Resources.’