Deputy Chief Minister Bhatti Vikramarka announced that the Congress government is committed to fulfilling the promise of Rythu Bharosa. He spoke at a public meeting for the Rythu Bharosa Scheme at Khammam Collectorate, emphasizing the party’s dedication to providing investment assistance to farmers as promised in the previous election. Vikramarka assured farmers that the state government is committed to keeping this promise.
He mentioned that due to the absence of a full budget from the central government during the parliamentary elections, an interim budget was introduced by the state government. However, he assured the public that a full budget will soon be introduced to support initiatives like the Rythu Bharosa scheme.
To gather feedback and opinions for the implementation of the Rythu Bharosa scheme, the state government plans to visit ten districts. This feedback will help in developing effective procedures to support farmers.
Ministers Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy and Tummala Nageswara Rao also attended the program to show their support for the agricultural sector. The initiative aims to strengthen and promote the agriculture sector, demonstrating the government’s commitment to uplifting farmers in the state.