Telangana Finance Minister Bhatti Vikramarka has presented the budget for the fiscal year 2024-25 in the assembly. The total expenditure for the year is Rs. 2,75,891 crore, with Rs. 2,01,178 crore allocated for revenue expenditure and Rs. 29,669 crore for capital expenditure.
In his address to the house, Minister Vikramarka emphasized the government’s commitment to improving the lives of its citizens and prioritizing the welfare of the disadvantaged. He stated that their goal is to provide support and assistance to those in need and promote equality and well-being for all.
The minister announced six guarantees for the welfare of the people, which will be implemented rigorously. Despite challenges in the national economic situation, the government will strive to provide employment opportunities and ensure prosperity for the people.
Minister Vikramarka highlighted that although the economic growth rate has declined, Telangana still ranks fifth among states with high wealth accumulation. The budget includes specific funding for various departments, such as Rs. 774 crore for the IT department, Rs. 40,080 crore for the Panchayat Raj department, Rs. 11,692 crore for the Municipal Administration department, Rs. 19,746 crore for the Agriculture department, and Rs. 1,250 crore for SC, ST Gurukul buildings. Additionally, Rs. 7,740 crore have been allocated for housing construction, Rs. 28,024 crore for irrigation projects, and Rs. 9,150 crore for BC welfare.