The People’s March, led by senior Congress leader Bhatti Vikramarka, arrived in Peddapalli on Thursday. The march aims to understand and address the difficulties and problems faced by the people of Telangana. Bhatti clarified that it is not for election purposes, but for the welfare of the people. People are coming forward to share their problems and concerns.
The march has brought to light many problems and difficulties that need to be addressed. MLA Manohar Reddy, who has been elected for 9 years, has not executed any development work in Peddapalli constituency. Bhatti accused him of selling natural resources and booking cases against those who opposed him. He also alleged that not even a single acre has been irrigated in 9 years.
Bhatti promised that if Congress comes to power, they will give Rs 5 lakh for building a house, reduce the gas cylinder price to Rs 500, and provide Kooli Bandhu to laborers. They will waive loans for farmers up to Rs 2 lakhs and ensure that the government pays the insurance premium for quarry workers. They will also provide two-wheeler vehicles to handloom workers.
District Congress president Raj Thakur, former MLA Vijaya Ramana Rao, Kisan Congress State chairman Anvesh Reddy, and other leaders were present during the gathering.