Telangana Deputy Chief Minister Bhatti Vikramarka recently spoke about the government’s efforts to create job opportunities for unemployed youth in the state. He mentioned that 30,000 individuals have already received employment documents in the first three months, with more job opportunities on the way.
Vikramarka highlighted the government’s focus on filling vacant positions, particularly in the education sector. They have identified 16,000 teacher vacancies and issued a notification to fill 11,000 teacher posts. Additionally, 19,717 teachers have been promoted and 34,000 individuals have been transferred to new positions.
In addition, DSC hall tickets for upcoming exams have been released, scheduled from the 18th to the 5th of July. The government is dedicated to conducting exams to fill vacant positions and will hold another DSC with 5,000 to 6,000 posts soon.
The Deputy Chief Minister assured the public that the government is working hard to provide job opportunities for the youth of Telangana. He encouraged candidates to continue preparing for upcoming exams and emphasized that the government’s efforts are focused on addressing unemployment in the state.