Deputy Chief Minister Bhatti Vikramarka Mallu stated that the Congress government plans to revive the ITDAs, which were neglected by the previous government. He promised interest-free loans for women in Dwcra communities and a revival of the Indira Jalaprabha scheme for tribal farmers.
During a meeting at ITDA, Mallu emphasized the importance of welfare and development plans for tribal people, focusing on education, healthcare, and living conditions. He urged officials to prioritize tribal education and improve pass rates in junior colleges to help students pursue higher studies. Mallu suggested hiring local tribal youth in remote PHCs and ensuring round-the-clock ambulance services.
The government is preparing to launch fruit plantations in every mandal, with a focus on oilpalm cultivation by tribal farmers. Land will be distributed to tribal farmers, and subsidies will be provided for electric motors under the Indira Jala Prabha program. Efforts are also underway to address issues with pass books through the Dharani portal.
Mallu called on public representatives in tribal villages to collaborate with officials for the development of tribal areas. The meeting was attended by District in-charge Minister Komatireddy Venkat Reddy, Minister Tummala Nageswara Rao, Members of Parliament, MLAs, MLCs, Collectors, and other officials.