State Transport Minister Puvvada Ajay Kumar emphasized the Telangana government’s commitment to uplift the lives of underprivileged individuals and support economic development in marginalized caste-based professions during an event in Khammam city. The minister distributed cheques worth Rs 3 crore to 300 beneficiaries under the BC Bandhu scheme, which provides a subsidy of one lakh rupees to eligible families. The government aims to transform workers into employers through this scheme, promoting financial empowerment among impoverished families.
The minister highlighted that the financial assistance provided under the BC Bandhu scheme is a grant and not a loan, ensuring no repayment obligation. The government’s objective is to help beneficiaries purchase essential business tools and promote economic independence. Puvvada assured that this financial assistance is an ongoing commitment, providing monthly support.
The event was attended by prominent figures, including the City Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Agriculture Market Chairman, Suda Chairman, BC Welfare Department District Officer, and Corporators.