Bandi Sanjay Kumar, the State BJP chief, lodged a complaint with the police in Karimnagar on Sunday, claiming that his mobile phone had gone missing. In a subsequent statement, he expressed suspicion that the police were involved in the disappearance of his phone. He alleged that several BRS ministers and MLAs had communicated with him, and that the Chief Minister, K Chandrashekar Rao, might be shocked to learn of this. Bandi claimed that his phone had been kept in their custody, as more such incidents might come to light.
According to Bandi, his phone was with him until he reached Siddipet, after which he was taken into custody illegally in Karimnagar, and the police made it vanish. He lamented the police’s shameful conduct in asking him for his phone while keeping it with them. Later, he met with leaders of the BJP legal wing to discuss false cases that had been filed against BJP activists by the State. He expressed concern that the KCR government was plotting to unleash more oppressive measures and file more false cases to send activists to jail. He urged the BJP legal cell to support the activists.
Bandi stated that party activists were taking on the government with full faith in the legal team’s ability to assist them. He asked the cell to stand by the activists fighting for people’s issues and respond even to minor incidents where they needed support. The Karimnagar MP criticised the BRS government and the police’s functioning, alleging that they insulted Prime Minister Narendra Modi by burning his effigies and putting up posters against him. However, no action was taken against them. He accused some police officials of stooping low to please the CM for promotion by slapping non-bailable cases against those who criticised him, filing cases against social media activists, and digging out old cases to send them to jail.