Bandi Sanjay Kumar, the BJP national leader and candidate for the Karimnagar Lok Sabha seat, is confident about his chances in the upcoming elections. He recently completed a successful Prajahita Yatra and received positive feedback from villagers in his constituency. Bandi believes that his hard work and dedication will lead to victory in the elections.
During his interactions with The Hans India, Bandi talked about the lies spread by Congress and BRS parties regarding his work in bringing funds to the region. He also criticized the BRS leaders for their alleged corruption and lack of development initiatives in Karimnagar. Bandi emphasized his efforts in bringing attention to issues like corruption and fund diversion by the government.
Bandi defended his actions related to the construction of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, stating that it is a significant achievement for Hindus across the country. He criticized other parties for not showing similar support for Hindu festivals and accused them of exploiting religious sentiments for political gain. Bandi reiterated his commitment to protecting Hindu interests without using religion for political purposes.
In terms of BJP’s electoral prospects in Telangana, Bandi expressed optimism about winning 17 seats in the upcoming elections. He also highlighted the challenges faced by his opponents in selecting candidates. When asked about potential ministerial roles if elected, Bandi affirmed his dedication to the party’s directives and readiness to take on any responsibilities assigned by the BJP leadership.