Bandi Sanjay Kumar, the BJP state president and MP, has dismissed Congress leaders’ claims of forming the government in Telangana. He cited their losses in several by-elections and the GHMC poll as evidence. He also ridiculed TPCC chief Revanth Reddy’s claim that Congress will win 45 Assembly seats in the upcoming elections, calling it a “big joke.” He pointed out that Congress leaders cannot even claim to win 100 seats.
Bandi denied any collaboration between BJP and BRS and accused BRS of joining hands with Congress in Parliament and extending its support to Congress in Karnataka. He alleged that Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao is deciding Congress candidates in Telangana and has distributed funds for Congress candidates in 30 Assembly segments.
Bandi criticized Congress for creating uncertainties in Telangana about pensions, Dharani, and welfare schemes while KCR is trying to create unrest among people by saying that welfare schemes will go if BRS fails to retain power. Bandi reiterated that BJP will abide by the Constitution and believes that India is a welfare State and the welfare of citizens is paramount.
He said once BJP comes to power in Telangana, they will continue the social security schemes, correct all flaws and make them even better to cater only to people and not to politicians and their families. He dared KCR to come for an open discussion on the issue of the Centre giving around Rs 5 lakh crore to the State and release a whitepaper on debt liabilities and development in Telangana.