Bandi Sanjay Kumar, the Telangana State BJP Chief, has asked the State government to reduce VAT on fuel prices to reduce inflation. In a tweet on Monday, he expressed concern over the persistent inflation in Telangana and urged the government to take appropriate measures to reduce it. He added that the inflation rate of 7.63% exposes the government’s failure to push the state towards an economic collapse like Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
Kumar also noted that the inflation rate in Telangana is almost 200 basis points more than the national average. He pointed out that blaming the Centre for the high inflation would not work and that higher inflation leaves less cash in people’s hands, resulting in lower consumption, which hurts growth. Additionally, pushing up the cost of living hurts the state’s competitiveness in attracting investment.
Therefore, Kumar demanded that the State government take action to reduce VAT on fuel prices to alleviate the inflation problem.